Even if you are handy removing your own oil barrel is not easy. The real problem is not only getting it out, it’s how do you get rid of it because it’s an environmental hazard. First, you have to unhook all the pipes and oil furnace fuel lines. That part is easy, but then you need to get all the old fuel oil out and into a waste oil tank. Then you need to cut the tank up and remove all the old sludge out of the oil tank and get rid of the sludge according to environmental regulations. After all, that’s done, the old tank has to be cleaned inside before you take it to a recycling place. It’s all the work to get rid of the old tank that makes it difficult to do it yourself. A professional oil tank removal company has all those components in place and makes your life much simpler and easier without all the headaches. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO REMOVE AN OIL TANK?
On average in the state of Massachusetts and New Hampshire the average cost of a fuel oil tank's removal and installation averages between $2200 and S3000. Every situation is different depending on your particular situation and the various sizes and style of tanks chosen for your project How to remove the old fuel oil tank from the basement?
First, you would put a tarp down under or around the old tank to catch any old fuel oil dripping from the lines, then you would drain the old fuel. Then you would lay down the tank onto the tarp and use a saws-all to cut a big hole into the tank so you can get all the old sludge out. You may also need to cut it in half to take it out of your doorway. The saws-all shouldn’t give off any type of sparks to start any of the old fuel on fire. You may be able to get the old tank out of your basement in one piece if your doorways are big enough. Make sure that all your old pipes are disconnected before you attempt removing the old one out. We always make sure we have kitty litter around to soak up any small leak that may get on the floor. Remember that your homeowner’s insurance policy will not cover you should something go wrong and you get a major oil spill in your basement. How long do oil tanks last in a basement?
The industry average shows that the average home heating oil tank will last 15 to 30 years. Numerous insurance companies along with local town and city ordinances require a homeowner to replace their tanks every 15-20 years for safety reasons. Small note: if a fuel oil tank is properly maintained it can last much longer. How to remove sludge from the oil tank?
After a number of years’ sludge can form in the bottom of your oil tank. This sludge has unwanted contaminants that can be harmful to the furnace and will also clog your fuel filter thus restricting the flow to the furnace.
How do I get rid of an old oil tank?
Getting rid of an old tank can be difficult because oil is considered an environmentally toxic waste product. Thus, you need to get rid of it according to environmental toxic rules and regulations set by the states and local governments. You will need to find someone locally who can take it off your hands in an environmentally sound process. Basement tanks need to be pumped out and the sludge needs to be removed first. Then they need to be cleaned before it’s taken to a scrap metal dealer. Can I reuse the oil from my old tank and get it put back into my new tank?
If you have a lot of oil left in your old oil tank, you could buy a small hand-type siphon pump or a small electric pump to get the old oil out. You would first put your siphon tube down the fill pipe into the oil and pump the old oil out into some sort of storage container until you can transfer it into the new one. Note: put your siphon hose down to the bottom and then raise it by a few inches off the bottom. You don’t want to suck out the sludge at the bottom of your tank and put it into your new tank. It’s also a good idea to try and use some kind of filter when transferring your old oil into your new tank. When should an oil tank be replaced?
Usually, there are visible signs that will let you know that you need an and oil tank replacement. For example, if tanks are outside, make sure they’re covered and that no weather elements can get to them. Like, snow and ice, and rain. This will cause the tank to deteriorate quicker. Always make sure to check the legs to make sure that they aren’t weak or unstable. You also don’t want any components like a blocked vent pipe which could cause overfilling and causing an oil spill in the basement. How much does a replacement oil tank cost?
The cost of replacing oil tanks can be vary depending on what you replace them with. Here’s a rough idea. A standard 275 gallon Granby tank would average around $2300 and a 275 gallon Roth tank would be around $2700. This is just an average. Every home is different depending on how things are at your home. Does homeowner’s insurance cover oil tank Removal or Replacement?
Most homeowner’s policies do not cover any cost that may be associated with a leaking tank. In some states like Massachusetts, homeowner’s insurance companies have to offer coverage for potential leaks that could cause an environmental hazard. They are optional but they need to let you know it’s available. What if my basement door is too small to take out the old tank?
When basement doors are too small, we cut old tanks into manageable pieces small enough to take outside to dispose of them. When installing the new tanks, we can get smaller tanks that will fit back in and connect multiple tanks together to get the fuel oil capacity desired for your home. Can you repair a leaking oil tank?
You can stop a tank from leaking for a short period of time, but not as a permanent fix. One method is with a Magnet Patch. A Magnet patch looks like a small piece of foam rubber the size of a quarter which can easily be applied with a strong magnet. This can be done for a short time period while waiting for a new oil tank installation. A short period of time can be for a few days or weeks but definitely not for months. How often should you replace an oil tank?
Oil tanks are made to last 15 to 20 years. Some will go longer (up to 30 years) depending on the maintenance given to them. It does pay to check the condition of your tank regularly. If you see any type of leaking or dripping somewhere, it’s probably time to bring in an expert that gives sound advice as to whether or not you need an oil tank replacement. Can an oil tank be installed in a garage?
Yes, a tank can be installed in a garage but needs to be done according to safety precautions. Inside a garage, you may need to install bollards. A bollard is usually large metal tubing or pipe that often is filled with cement. You need to put holes into your existing floor and dig down to install the bollard. Then cement the steel post into the existing floor. This protects garage-installed tanks from being run into. |
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